2021 – 2029 Housing Element Update

The Housing Element is used to establish the City’s priorities for housing its residents in 8-year cycles. It sets goals for the allocation of funding, program coordination and zoning efforts to support the production of housing. The revised Orland Housing Element is now available.

Community Meeting #2 | August 5, 2021 | Resources

Presentation: The City invited residents to participate in an in-person meeting and breakout group discussions on housing goals, policies, and programs. Community input and feedback gathered during this event will help define the priorities for housing in our City and influence future housing policies. The presentation slides are available in both English and Spanish.

Breakout Group Notes: After the presentation, participants discussed housing goals, policies, and programs in small groups. The meeting had a facilitator and notetakers. A bullet point summary of the discussion and takeaways is available for review.

Definitions of Frequently Used Terms in the Housing Element: This document provides a brief overview of terms which are found frequently in the Housing Element document and used during community discussions. It is available in both English and Spanish.

Community Meeting #1 | June 23, 2021 | Resources

Presentation: The City invited residents to participate in a live meeting and discussion on housing challenges and possibilities. Community input and feedback gathered during this event will help define the priorities for housing in our City and influence future housing policies. The presentation slides are available in both English and Spanish.

Meeting Recording: The first portion of the meeting was recorded, provides background on the Housing Element and summarizes progress made on the current Housing Element Goals as well as key needs assessment data. Recordings of the meeting are available in both English and Spanish.

Breakout Group Notes: After the presentation, participants discussed housing challenges and possibilities. The meeting had a facilitator and notetakers. A bullet point summary of the discussion and takeaways is available for review.

Live Poll ResultsParticipants responded to bilingual polls in English and Spanish that were launched live during the meeting. Both the polls and participants’ aggregated responses are available for review.