
From the Department of Finance, 2019

  • 8,537 Population
  • 2.5 Square Miles
  • 259′ Elevation
  • 1,871 Acres
  • 2,787 Homes (2,550 occupied: 237 vacant)
  • Housing density: 924 homes per square mile

From the 2010 Census:


  • Male – 3583
  • Female – 3708
Of this population…
  • 2,209 are under 18 years of age
  • 5,082 are 18 years and over
    • 519 are 20-24 years of age
    • 970 are 25-34 years of age
    • 1,411 are 35-49 years of age
    • 1,102 are 50-64 years of age
    • 857 are 65 years and over

Whites make up 66.2% of the population(with an ethnicity of 44.8% Hispanic or Latino) and Blacks or African American .5%, American Indian & Alaska Native 1.7%, Asian 2.9%, and two or more races, 3.6%.